About IRAP
The Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP) is a public access program for specific outdoor recreational activities. It is funded through the USDA Voluntary Public Access-Habitat Improvement Program (VPA-HIP). IDNR has been very successful is applying for and receiving three grants since 2010 for more than $3.2 million to provide this program to outdoor enthusiasts and landowners who see the need for more place to go and for habitat improvements upon their land.
IRAP leases private property throughout Illinois for specific outdoor recreational activities. These activities include:
- youth and adult turkey hunting
- archery deer hunting
- upland game hunting
- small game hunting
- waterfowl hunting
- fishing
- canoeing launch sites on public waters, and
- hiking, birding and outdoor photography
IRAP not only is a semi-controlled access program, but it is also a habitat management program for private landowners enrolling in IRAP. Landowners receive a stipend for their lease but more importantly they receive a habitat management plan and assistance with implementing the plan. IRAP has recently add two habitat strike teams to assist landowners in implementing sound management practices.